How To Get Blood Out of Shoes?

Bloodstains may be difficult and frustrating to remove, especially on goods like shoes, which have numerous nooks and crevices into which blood can seep into.

But, before you throw the shoes away, there are a few things you may attempt to remove the blood out of shoes.

Continue reading to discover the best ways and equipment for removing blood stains from shoes.


  1. Hydrogen Peroxide 

When cleaning blood from shoes, hydrogen peroxide is an excellent agent for both old and fresh stains.

It aids in the removal of blood stains from the fabric without causing serious harm to the shoe.

  1. A Clean Cloth

You’ll need many clean towels or rags to fully clean your blood-stained shoes.

Dark-colored rags, rather than white, are the finest choice.

I enjoy using the microfiber cleaning cloths that I purchased online.

  1. Dish Soap

Dish soap appears to be capable of removing nearly any stain, thus it will be an essential tool for cleaning blood stains from shoes.

  1. Water

Once the stain has been cleared, water will be mixed with the soap and used to rinse the shoe.

  1. Gloves

When working with blood, gloves are a must, especially if it is someone else’s blood.

I prefer to wear the Amazon-purchased non-slip gloves.

That’s about it!

The products listed above are all that are required to remove blood stains from shoes.


  1. Using a damp cloth, wipe the stain.

To begin, dab the soiled shoes using a moist towel.

Scrubbing the stain will only make things worse.

A damp cloth should remove at least a portion of the stain, whether it is new or dried, to make the remainder of the cleaning procedure easier.

To avoid spreading blood to other sections of the shoe, use a different part of the cloth each time it becomes soiled.

  1. Make use of Hydrogen Peroxide.

Using a clean, dry cloth, apply a little quantity of hydrogen peroxide.

Depending on the fabric, you may wish to test the hydrogen peroxide in a hidden place to ensure it does not affect the color of the shoes.

In most circumstances, the hydrogen peroxide will have little effect on the shoe’s substance.

Again, make sure you’re dabbing the stain rather than scrubbing it since scrubbing will just make the stain worse and much more difficult to remove.

To prevent the stain from spreading further on the shoe, work from the outside to the interior of the stain.

  1. Water Should Be Used To Rinse The Shoe

Rinse the shoe with water and pat it dry with another clean cloth.

If the stain was successfully cleaned using hydrogen peroxide, there should be no residue or leftover discolored regions.

If you rinse and dry the shoe and still notice any blood, continue the preceding procedures with the hydrogen peroxide until the stain is entirely eliminated.

Do not use any heat on the shoes while they are drying.

Heat can harm the shoe and allow the stain to get even more embedded in the fabric if it has not yet been entirely removed.

It is better to let the shoes dry naturally.

  1. Using Soapy Water, Scrub

Once you’ve confirmed that the bloodstain has been entirely cleaned, cleanse the area where the stain used to be with another clean cloth soaked with soap and water.

Do not proceed with this step unless you are confident that the stain has been entirely gone.

If the stain has penetrated any little sections of the shoe that are difficult to clean, use a toothbrush to reach those harder to clean regions.

At this time, you may scrub the shoe clean without risking shoe damage or a persistent bloodstain.

How do you get rid of dried blood stains?

  1. Squeeze out a towel after soaking it in cold water.
  2. Place a moist cloth over the stain to absorb as much blood as possible.
  3. Dab any leftover stains with a dry clean towel until they are gone.
  4. If required, repeat the process, keeping the area moist with new towels and drying off any extra liquid before moving on to the next location to avoid spreading the stain throughout your shoes.

More Ingredients:

  1. Vinegar 

To begin, apply vinegar to the affected region and soak it for 10 to 15 minutes.

Blot the area with a towel again and again until the stain is gone.

To remove the vinegar odor, wipe or rinse the area with cold water. 

Do not put the item in the washing machine on the cold cycle!

  1. Ammonia

Do not use ammonia directly on the shoe you are attempting to clean. Instead, dab a few drops onto a wet sponge or cloth dampened with cold water. Then, dab the area with the sponge or towel, rotating to a clean location each time. Rep till the stain is removed. Then, wipe or rinse the area with cold water to remove the strong ammonia odor.

Since ammonia has a strong odor, you should open a window or use a fan when using it. When coupled with bleach, it produces potentially lethal fumes known as chloramines, thus never mix the two.

  1. Cornstarch 

Combine cornstarch and cold water to make a thick paste.

Then, apply the paste to the whole stain and allow it to dry. You may expedite this process by placing the item near a window or in a bright and warm location.

Brush off the substance after it has dried.

If the stain persists, repeat as needed.

After that, blot the area with water.

  1. Talcum Powder

Follow the same techniques as you would with cornstarch to remove blood stains using talcum powder. Both products are equally effective, so you may use whatever one you have on hand.

You’ll combine it with cold water to make a paste, then brush it off. After that, blot the affected area. It’s as good as new now!

  1. Cold Saltwater

This is only one of many creative non-cooking applications for salt, and if you want to use it to remove blood stains, you should do it when the blood is still moist and fresh.

If that’s the case, thoroughly clean the shoe with cold water. Next, make a paste using salt and cold water.

Spread the paste over the stain and wait for it to dry for about 20 minutes. As salt has a high propensity to absorb moisture, it will absorb the blood.

Remove the paste with a brush and repeat if the blood is still visible.

Blot with cold water after that.

Does bleach remove blood from shoes?

Does bleach remove blood from shoes? That’s what I wondered when my kid, who was wearing white socks, walked in a puddle of his own blood. No, it does not! However, there are other methods for removing stains from your shoes. You may also experiment with hydrogen peroxide or ammonia.

Bleach is a common home substance that may be used to clean a variety of surfaces. It is commonly assumed that bleach may also be used to remove blood from shoes, but does this actually work? This essay will investigate this subject and if you should use bleach on your shoes after spilling any form of bodily fluid on them.

Can You skip the hydrogen peroxide and just use soap and water to clear the stain?

If you don’t have any hydrogen peroxide or don’t want to use it on your shoes, you may skip to the soap and water stage.

However, you may not be able to completely remove the discoloration with soap and water alone.

Remember to dab the stain rather than scrape it.

Will these instructions work for suede shoes?

Suede shoes should never be wet, thus some of these techniques will need to be changed to clean suede shoes.

Use rubbing alcohol or white vinegar instead of hydrogen peroxide since neither will stain suede.

On suede shoes, avoid using soap and water.


When attempting to remove dried bloodstains, patience is essential. Try the most basic cleaning methods initially, then go on to more extensive steps if necessary. To safeguard your materials while removing bloodstains, follow these steps:

  • Treat the stain as soon as possible before it becomes irreversibly set.
  • On bloodstains, avoid using hot water or any other form of heat treatment. Heat will set the stain, making removal difficult.
  • Work from the outside borders of the stain inward to avoid accidentally spreading it over a larger area.
  • To break up difficult blood stains on carpet or upholstery, use an enzymatic cleanser.

Final Words!

Bloodstains can be a pain to remove. However, removing blood stains is not impossible. All it takes is a little extra work and accuracy to minimize further damage to your shoes. If you know how to get blood out of shoes, you’ll be able to remove blood stains with ease the next time you’re in a sticky position.