Why does my hair grow unevenly? (Explained)

uneven hair

Growing out your hair may be a time-consuming and tiring process, and adding uneven hair growth to the mix can make it much more painful. But don’t worry ladies: we’ll unearth the reality about uneven hair growth and figure out how to deal with it!

There are several reasons why your curly hair may not be developing evenly. Each explanation is unique to the person who is now dealing with this problem.

Uneven hair growth can be caused by the foods you consume, your level of stress, the quantity of moisture your hair receives, or simply genetics.

If you are currently experiencing uneven development in your curly hair, consider your lifestyle as a first step in determining the source of the problem. After that, consider how you care for your hair and how your parents’ hair grows.

Factors Influencing How Fast Hair Grows

Nutrition, stress, exercise, and drugs all have an impact on how fast your hair and nails grow. You might believe that nutrients are distributed evenly throughout your body, but this is not the case.

Each hair and nail follicle has its own blood supply. As blood flow may be slightly asymmetrical, blood pressure may fluctuate slightly when taken from one arm against the other. If one follicle receives more blood, it receives more glucose, hormones, oxygen, and other nutrients. Carbon dioxide and other pollutants are removed more effectively. Improved circulation helps hair to grow faster under optimum conditions.

On the other hand, if drugs and hormones are causing hair loss, having greater circulation may cause hair growth to stall considerably on one side before the other.

A person’s circulatory system is, to some part, inherited. As a result, hair may grow faster on one side of a family than on the other. The majority of the time, the growing disparity is caused by behavior. You have influence over the following factors that determine your growth rate:

  • Whether you prefer to sleep on your back or on one of your sides

During the night, blood vessels may constrict, resulting in a visible growth difference.

  • How you style your hair

When you pull it to the side, one side may be better covered than the other. Brushing your hair the same technique every time may cause hair on one side to be more stressed than the other.

  • Whether you are a right or left-handed person

This influences how you brush your hair and shave. Because each hand serves somewhat different functions during the day, one may receive more exercise and circulation than the other.

  • Your habits

Do you drum your nails more with one hand than the other? Do you ever twist your hair when you’re bored or nervous?

  • How far you drive

When you drive a lot, one side of your body is subjected to far more solar radiation than the other. Biochemical processes are influenced by light.

It Doesn’t Apply to Everyone

Human circulation is asymmetrical, to begin with, therefore you’ll find folks who develop faster on the right side and others who grow faster on the left. There may be no discernible difference between one side and the other in certain people.

Hair grows faster at the front of the head than in the rear, according to scientists. Hair growth rate, color, and texture are all affected by age and hormones. Gray hair grows at a different rate than colored hair, therefore the natural color of your hair influences its growth rate.

Is your hair growing quicker on one side than the other, or is this something you’ve never considered?

How can you protect your hair in the summer so that it grows in an even manner?

You expose your hair to extreme temperatures throughout the summer, which causes the hair fiber to weaken. As a result, you are more likely to lose hair at this time of year than during the rest of the year.

But are you one of the fortunate few who see your hair coming out unevenly at that time?

Can you notice how the hair at the top of your head doesn’t grow as much as it does at the rear of your head or the nape of your neck?

This is because the sun constantly shines on the top of your head; keep in mind that your hair protects your scalp and controls its temperature.

When you expose yourself to the sun or extreme temperatures for an extended period of time, the skin on your scalp can burn just like the rest of your body’s skin. It is for the same reason that your hair development is impacted, and hair on the top of your head will not grow as much as a hair on the rest of your head.

You should take the following suggestion to solve this problem:

  1. Wear hats to prevent the sun from shining directly on the crown of your head.
  1. If you don’t like hats, use scarves instead, but damp them down first because scarves don’t allow your scalp to breathe as hats do.
  1. You can dampen your hair every 30 minutes if you don’t want to use scarves or caps.
  1. If you’re going to be out in the sun, don’t use styling lotions or hair oils.
  1. Always try to stay in the shade and avoid exposing your hair to the sunlight for long periods of time.
  1. Don’t tie your hair up since keeping it down will keep your scalp cooler and preserve its temperature.

If you follow these tips, you’ll find that your hair grows out evenly and smoothly throughout the summer.

What if you cut your hair in such a manner that it affects the way it grows? Don’t worry, there’s also a solution for it.

What to do to prevent your layered haircut from growing out unevenly?

When you cut your hair in layers, you’ll notice that certain sections are longer than others as it grows out.

The bob is a well-known example of this since it is a haircut in which the hair at the nape of your neck is fairly short, while the rest is longer.

As I indicated at the outset, the cause of this type of hair development is layering your hair.

When you have a layered haircut, for example, the cut loses its structure as your hair grows out. This is due to the fact that when you cut your hair, it grows faster.

The section at the back of your hair grows quicker with a bob or carré cut, causing it to lose form soon.

How are you going to solve this?

You have two choices:

  • Maintain your haircut once a month to keep it in form and style.
  • Allow your hair to grow to a length that allows you to have a fresh haircut with only one layer.

You may receive a fresh haircut that fits how your hair is growing if you let it grow for at least three months. If you previously had a bob, you can consider a medium-length cut. If you have a layered cut with more defined layers, you may experiment with staggered layers instead.

It’s only a matter of time and deciding which hairstyle you like.

The final element that leads to uneven hair development is how you style your hair, or even how you unknowingly toy with it.

How can you get rid of the bad habits that cause your hair to grow unevenly?

Have you ever noticed how we constantly touch the hair that falls on our faces? This must have something to do with how we desire our faces to be precisely framed.

However, styling your hair many times each day, whether with a comb, brush, or your fingers, might limit growth. That’s why the front of your hair often grows slower, but the rear or neck grows considerably faster.

Simply styling your hairless, or touching your bangs or the hair on your face as little as possible, is all you need to do.

Fixing your style all the time might become a tic.

Are you someone who constantly twists their hair around their fingers?

I’m going to be strict with you here and tell you not to do it!

Because this tic causes you to pull your hair out by the roots, it grows slower.


Proper Hair Care Can Help You Solve the Problem

Many people feel that the way they take care of their hair has nothing to do with how it grows or what is going on beneath their scalp. This is simply false.

As curly hair is the most fragile of all hair varieties, you must exercise caution while applying treatments, equipment, and products to your hair follicles. Chemicals, heat, and relaxers all play a significant role in hair growth and breakage.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has been used for generations to encourage hair growth while also acting as a preventive measure for hair loss. A few drops of this oil are often used in shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and rinses.


By taking a multivitamin on a regular basis, you will be supplying your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals that will aid in the stimulation of healthy hair growth. The process of healthy hair growth is as much about how you manage your hair on a daily basis as it is about what meals, vitamins, and minerals you consume.

Jamaican Black Castor Oil

For thousands of years, Jamaican black castor oil has been utilized to improve general hair development. This oil may be used on all hair types by rubbing a few drops on the portion of the scalp that needs to develop properly each day.

Organic Root Stimulators

Organic root stimulators naturally stimulate the roots of your hair follicles and may be used in the morning and at night to assist areas of your scalp’s roots to grow correctly again.


Begin growing your hair evenly.

So every woman is unique, she must choose the ideal process for her in order to encourage even hair growth. The following is a generic road map to assist you in your travel.

  1. First and foremost, health! For good hair, eat a nutritious diet and exercise often.
  2. Less worry, more enjoyment. Maintain a stress-free existence. Make a point of prioritizing your responsibilities on a weekly basis. Planning ahead of time, as well as taking lots of bubble baths, will assist to ease tension.
  3. Moisturize! Moisture is vital in the maintenance of curly hair. Make sure to conduct a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week to ensure that your curls are getting enough moisture.
  4. Experiment. Try top-of-the-line curly hair products and treatments with high-quality ingredients, and if you haven’t gone sulfate-free yet, it’s time to do so
  5. Be kind with yourself. Make sure to constantly take care of your hair by keeping it clean and soft. When braiding or pulling hair back in a ponytail, remember not to pull too firmly. This can result in scalp tension, hair breakage, and, finally, hair loss. Wearing a silk hat to bed can also help a lot!
  6. Ask for help. Consult your doctor to determine whether any prescription medicines you are taking are reducing your hair growth. If this is the case, request that you be moved to a different prescription drug, if feasible. You’ll never know if you don’t ask!


  1. Determine the source of your uneven hair growth: medicine, products, or genetics.
  1. Begin using higher-quality, sulfate-free products that promote hair health.
  2. Whether everything else fails, consult your doctor to discover if your medications are to blame for the uneven development. If that’s the case, change them out!

Final words

As you can see, a variety of things impact how hair develops.

  1. If you spend a lot of time in the sun and find that your hair grows less on the top of your head than on the neck, use caps or moist scarves.
  2. If your uneven growth is caused by a bob or carré haircut, keep it or wait till your hair grows to give it a new style.
  3. Play with your hair less if it grows unevenly around your face.
  4. If you have a tic, such as curling your hair around your fingers, it’s time to develop a new habit because you’re just causing uneven hair growth.