How To Get Highlighter Off Skin? Ultimate Guide


Every woman enjoys a new beginning. If you want to wake up with clear, radiant skin, you must remove your highlighter. By removing your highlighter and other makeup at night, you’re doing your skin the world of good. Sleeping with your highlighter on can cause dry skin, acne, and even wrinkles due to collagen breakdown.

Using highlighter on your eyes and not removing it creates a slew of issues, including eye infections, discomfort, and damaged eyelashes. Removing your highlighter mostly at night is a skin care essential.

If you’re interested in learning more, keep reading!

11 Ways To Get Highlighter Off Skin

1. Cleanser will help you break down your highlights

Your regular cleanser should be adequate for removing foundation and blush. Massage the cleanser over your face for 15 seconds, paying special attention to your hairline, under your chin, and around your ears. 

Then, wipe with a damp, white cotton towel to ensure that all of the highlights and other makeup is removed. If your highlighter is long-lasting or you use a face brush, you can remove it first. Scrub carefully until no more highlighter or blush is visible on the washcloth.

2. Always treat your skin with care

The removal of makeup, particularly highlighter and blush, should be delicate and should never leave your skin dry or irritated. Personally, I like to use a cleaning oil that will not dry out your skin. Swipe a tiny bit of oil across your eyes, over your brows, over and under your lips, cheeks, and then delicately massage it all over your face with your fingertips. This will soften your skin and relax your makeup, allowing you to avoid rubbing excessively.

Then, using a flat, square cotton pad (rather than a ball, which can be abrasive), apply a little cleaning oil to it. Repeat the process, taking careful not to scrape back and forth. To bring up the color, simply scrape the surface in one direction.

3. Benefit from Steam Heat

Before washing, you can also steam your face. Fill a sink or a basin halfway with hot water and place your face over it for a minute or two. The steam will open your pores and let the cleanser enter deeper into the skin to remove highlighter and dirt. This may take more time to steam your skin, but it’s a decent alternative on occasion. You may also add a dab of lavender essential oil for added calming, spa-like effects.

4. Pay Special Attention to Your Eyes

Highlighter on your eyelids or around your brows is the most difficult to remove, but you don’t want to scrape since the skin around your eyes is delicate. Cotton balls leave fibers behind, so use a cotton pad and either an oil-based (for waterproof cosmetics) or dual-phase (for everything else) eye remover. Pre-soaked pads seem to be ok. Close your eyes and hold them over your lids and lashes for around ten seconds before wiping to allow the remover to dissolve the substance.

If you’re wearing waterproof mascara, replace the cleaning oil with a waterproof eye makeup remover. Or, you’ll have to rub so hard to get the color to come out that your lashes may break. Sink a pad in the remover, gently press down on the lashes for a few seconds to allow the formula to soak in, and then gently glide the pad over the eyes.

5. Remove Any Excess Oil

After you’ve removed the highlighter from around your eyes, go over it again with a dry cotton pad to remove any remaining product as well as any residual makeup remover. This last pass will help you avoid mascara circles in the morning and enhance your makeup application the following day. Nobody enjoys waking up with raccoon eyes.

6. Make use of an oil-based makeup remover

Most long-lasting highlighter around your lips should be removed using a cotton pad dipped in liquid or cream makeup remover. However, an oily consistency is only required if the highlighter is very pigmented.

7. Avoid using baby wipes

Personally, I loathe when I see people removing their highlighter, blush, or any other form of face makeup using baby wipes. These do not work, and when I tell ladies this, they respond, “But baby skin is so delicate, this must be excellent for my face.” A baby’s buttocks, on the other hand, aren’t plastered with makeup that takes specific substances to remove.

8. Micellar Water

Micellar water is the finest way to remove highlighter from delicate regions, and it should be followed by a soap and water cleanse. Instead of using wipes, remove highlighter from around the eyes with a gentle flat cotton pad. Apply some micellar water on the pad and dab it around the eyes and lashes. Allow it to sit for a few minutes to help the product dissolve. After that, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and moisturize.

If you often tightline your eyes or apply mascara to the top and lower lashes, making sure all makeup is removed is critical to avoiding irritated eyes. I recommend using an oil-soaked Q-tip to gently but firmly remove it all.

9. Cucumber

Cucumber is fantastic for removing makeup, excess oil, and other pollutants. Its natural anti-inflammatory characteristics help in the prevention of acne outbreaks and function admirably as a natural toner. It’s also quite calming to the skin, so it might be just what you need to get through the remainder of your day.

  • To begin, remove cucumber juice into a bowl and combine it with olive oil.
  • Then, using a fork, emulsify the mixture until it resembles cream. Then use it right away.
  • Apply to the face. Use lukewarm water to cleanse your face.

10. Almond Oil

As almond oil is a light oil, it is excellent for removing makeup. Also, the Vitamin E and fatty acids in almond oil nourish the skin and help diminish the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles.

  • In a mixing dish, combine all of the ingredients.
  • Warm up the oil by rubbing your hands together.
  • Apply this warmed oil to your face and gently massage in a circular motion.
  • Wipe everything from your face with a cotton ball.
  • After that, rinse your face with warm water to eliminate any extra oil.
  • Then apply your toner, serum, and lotion.

11. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil can restore your skin’s natural pH balance and unclog pores, making it an excellent makeup remover and face cleanser. Plus, because jojoba oil is physically very similar to sebum, it is a great moisturizer that you may reuse once you finish.

  • Dip a cotton ball into jojoba essential oil.
  • To remove makeup, gently clean your face and eyes with a cotton ball.
  • Finally, wipe away any extra oil from your face with a moist wipe.

Why Should You Avoid Using Baby Wipes?

They’re not the best option unless you’re in a significant emergency or haste. Yes, you may use them to remove base or light foundation, but they will only remove visible makeup. When makeup is not properly removed, it can cause breakouts on your skin.

When you use the wrong items, you get an allergic response known as irritating contact dermatitis. This often manifests as red, irritated, inflammatory skin and is particularly connected with a history of product use. To calm the skin, identify the allergen causing the rash and use calamine or aloe vera gel.

What Should You Do After Cleaning Your Skin?

After carefully removing your makeup and cleansing your skin, you may use whatever toner, moisturizer, or serums you choose. You’ll be ready to face the day with perfectly clean skin when you wake up in the morning. All of your personal effort the night before will pay off when you can skip directly to your sunscreen and day serums instead of having to start by removing yesterday night’s makeup.

That’s correct! If you cleansed your face the night before, you don’t have to wash it in the morning. Your skin is already clean at this time, and if you have dry skin, washing it first thing in the morning might actually deplete it of moisture.

People with oily skin, on the other hand, must constantly wash their faces in the morning. People with oily skin should wash their faces again in the morning to eliminate the night’s oil collection.

But, regardless of your skin type, cleaning at night is necessary. Make a mental note of how to remove your highlighter and include it into your regular practice. We’ll all have evenings where we forget to remove our makeup, but ideally this is the exception rather than the rule!

Final Words

We hope you found this information useful and that you were able to properly remove highlighter from your skin!

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Thank you, and have a wonderful day!