How often should you wash your hair? (Explained)

How Often You Should Wash Your Hair?
How Often You Should Wash Your Hair?

To remove oil or dandruff hair or scalp, we often use shampoo or other surfactants to wash our hair but it is not a thing you should do daily. How often should you wash your hair? If you ask anyone, some will say every day, some will say twice or thrice a week. However, nobody knows the actual time-space of washing the hair. Each type of hair has its color, texture, structure, and even differences in the scalp like the flaky scalp or having dandruff and also the environment which you should keep in mind before setting your hair washing routine. These factors contribute to the answer of how often you should wash your hair.

“There are some people with really fragile hair that becomes easily damaged with the act of washing. Those people might want to wash their hair every other week. There is an enormous range of how often a person might need to wash their hair,” said Hughes.

Most of the time white people have Caucasian hair. It can be curly or wavy or straight. On the other hand, black people have African hair which is thick, dense, and tight curls. Each type has different factors in its scalp and different process of washing it.

Another factor that contributes to washing the hair is the type of scalp. The scalp is a part of the skin. It can be dry or it can be oily. Dry skin prons to get freezy and rough hair. on the other hand, oily skin tends to dandruff due to clogging in the pores.

Is oil good or bad?

Sebum is a natural oil that secrets from hair pores. This natural hair oil from pores helps to prevent the scalp from being flaky. It is not necessary to wash with shampoo to remove those oil particles from the scalp. It helps to protect the scalp and helps the growth of the hair. Often it is seen that it is claimed, being oily is dirty but the case is not like that.

But if you have a too oily scalp that makes your scalp itchy and makes your face and forehead oily all the time, then you might want to try a daily or one day after another day hair washing schedule.

The factor is that oil helps to attract dirt from the environment. America’s weather of summer is very hot and dry, as well as other countries. Therefore, the oil from the scalp attracts dirt particles and makes hair dirty. Because of this type of hair and environment, it is necessary to wash the hair with shampoo thrice or four times a week.

Again for dry scalp, it can be seen that oil secrets lesser than the oily scalp. It is normally itchy and flaky and also the hair is normally rough and that’s exactly why It’s necessary to use oil in this type of hair. It is better to keep the oil overnight but 30 minutes before washing also works very well. After that, we need to wash it off but the washing schedule should be three times or less than three times a week, otherwise, the scalp will get more dryer.

Is Sweat bad for the scalp and hair?

Sweating comes with excessive salt and It creates clogging due to salt. Also, sweating can cause irritation and makes the hair skin dry. This way sweat causes hair damage and increases hair fall because it drys your scalp and stops reproducing hair growth. Moreover, sweating salt can be highly effective on your hair color and can make your hair look dyed. So, Sweat is bad for both your hair and scalp and can cause you long-term hair issues.

The working day long in the dry weather scalp gets all sweaty and sticky. People work all day outside. They start working outside from their teenage. But those who work outside like parks, kitchen and laundry they sweat a lot and they need to wash their heads with water regularly.

However, they cannot use shampoo every day it will cause serious hair damage. Instead of that, they can use dry shampoo for stopping sweaty hair. Dry shampoo also helps to prevent oily scalp.

Should you wash your styling products from your hair?

Styling products such as hair gels, sprays, and creams needed to be clean of your hair because they are made with mostly harsh chemicals. But remember your cleanser/shampoo was created to clean your scalp not your hair. So do not wash your hair and mostly, try to avoid washing your hair ends because they are the most sensitive and oldest part of your hair which needed to be taken care of.

How often should you wash your hair if you use styling products?

often to clean/shampoo hair if you have used styling products is necessary. So if you use styling products often, you should wash your hair based on your hair type. If you have fine hair or oily hair then you should wash it daily or a day gap between but if you do not have so oily hair then 3-4 times a week is enough. But if your hair is dry, rough then washing it 2 times a week will be okay.

But it is to be noted that if your styling products have harsh chemicals then the hair needs to be cleaned after a quick period of time or a day.

Is it bad to put styling products in your hair everyday?

Almost all hair styling products contain a high amount of alcohol and other harsh chemicals, giving hair bad vibes and can end up irritating and damaging your scalp and hair. Everyone should use those products according to the instructions but the climate of most countries is mostly dry and frequently using these products make hair drier. Therefore, it is better to not use the hairstyling product frequently or every day.

Try to find a very mild shampoo to wash the hair and wash more frequently if you use styling products and use conditioners after that. Also always try to use herbal styling products that do not contain harsh chemicals and alcohol.

Should you wash your hair according to your hair type?

As our skin is not the same as others our scalp and hair is not the same too. We can find out by knowing the size of our hair strand that is the vertical proportion of hair. The care for each hair type is different and everyone should first determine their hair type and then see how often they should wash their type of hair.

Different types need different care and different way of washing it. It may require a different type of product to apply to the hair. If not hair can get worse.
If you slowly stretch your hair and if it takes a little longer time it means your hair is thicker. Again, if not it means your hair is thinner. Therefore, you have to use mild shampoo rather than a harsh one.

You can also find your hair type by comparing it with sewing string. If your hair is thicker than that then your hair is thick. again, if your hair is thinner then that your hair is thin. But if it resembles the string then it is a normal type.

Just by comparing your hair to others, you can see your hair differs. So, everyone has different types of hair, skin, and scalp. Everyone should wash their hair according to their hair type. This also has some benefits as you will be making your hair type feel comfortable with the wash cycle and elements you are using, so it will be long lasting for the scalp to get that washing routine and constant growth.

1. Oily or Fine type hair

Fine hair is often oily. The reason behind oily is more pores than another type. Again, as the hair is finer pores leaks a lot amount of oil from it. It may make the hair greasy and sticky.

In this type of hair, it’s better to wash it daily according to many experts. It is better because the oily scalp creates irritation for many. However, if you want to skip one day you can use dry shampoo. It will buy you a day.

Using mild and creamy shampoo can do you much good. Shampoo that contains hyaluronic acid will lock the moisture of your inside the scalp and makes your hair better even if you use it regularly.

Now some tips may help you with your oily scalp. You can rinse your hair everyday with shampoo to get rid of oil properly if you want to.

2. Medium type of hair

Medium type of hair is those which are not much oily or thick. The texture is much considerable than another type. The volume is much thicker and relatively heavy.
This type of hair needs a wash with shampoo giving gap by every other day. The shampoos with vitamin c help a lot in this type of hair. Antioxidant from it helps to remove the dirt and keeps the hair shiny.

3. Washing type of Afro and Coarse hair

This type of hair is very thick and coiled. This hair is mostly dry because of its coiled hair type. It needs a lot of care or it will go through breakage, dandruff, and hair fall.

In America, the hair type we got is Afro-American type. It is thick as well as coiled. As the weather of America is very dry, it is harmful to this type of hair as it is dry. It is very tricky and many people do not know where to start!

Shampoo company does various kinds of commercials to attract their buyer. But how many of them know the way of washing their hair properly without damaging it.

Many hair experts suggest that to wash the coiled hair with shampoo between 5-7 days. It is better to use sulphate free shampoo to clean this type of scalp. To remove debris and increase blood flow to the scalp, massage the shampoo into your scalp in a moderate circular motion.

As this type of hair is very dry experts recommend that to use coconut oil before doing shampoo. Using oil till the end and covering it up with a hair cap helps a lot to grow.
Some trick will help Afro and Coarse hair owner :

  • Do not use sulfate shampoo.
  • While using oil you can add some lavender oil for betterment.
  • Use detangling conditioner after every wash.

4. Sensitive scalp hair wash

Do you ever think that why your scalp hurts while brushing your hair?If it is yes that means your scalp is sensitive. People think that it is tough to take care of it. But no today you will know it is not that tough to wash or clean or other care.
Few harmful factors that irritate more in sensitive skin are weather, water, stress, and styling products. If these factors are not noticed by the person it may cause harm to hair and scalp.

It is better to use lukewarm water to wash the hair. Because if you use hot water it will burn the sensitive scalp and if it is cold water it will irritate.

It is better to use detox shampoo for this type of scalp. Frequent wash will help to get rid of the irritation.

It is better to use those shampoo that helps to treat the roots and pores. It is better to use detox conditioners for the hair. On the other hand, it is better not use those type of shampoos which are stripping.

Read about the type of your skin here.

Are you sure you are shampooing rightly?

Are You Shampooing Rightly?

You must be astonished by the caption that is there any rules to do shampoo!

Yes of course there is. There are some rules everyone should follow to shampooing correctly.

The most common mistakes are not washing conditioner after shampoo, using any type of shampoo. These factors cause serious problems to the hair follicles.
We don’t always spend enough time cleaning our scalps, we don’t always properly rinse, and we don’t always use a deep conditioner. However, there is always space for improvement, and taking steps to better care for our hair is rather simple.

The right way to do shampoo

  1. The right way to do shampoo starts with making your hair wet by washing. Then having a bubble size shampoo drop on your finger and rubbing that directly to your scalp (Not your hair). Even though it won’t feel very much smooth or comfortable but you have to rub it. Then add a little more water to rinse. Repeat it a couple more times.
  2. It will make your scalp soothing and soft, then wash the shampoo from the scalp completely and in that process the hairs will be also cleaned. No need to clean the hair separately with the shampoo applying direct to it, only apply direct shampoo if you have mud on your hair.
  3. After washing your hair, you can use a little bit of conditioner on the hair. But you can also take the conditioner one drop and put it on your scalp only if you have dry, damage and coarse curly hair. Wait for 5-10 minutes and rinse out the conditioner with water.

Proper cleansing techniques will increase the growth and quality of your hair. Your hair is as same as your skin and you do not play harsh with your skin, right? So, doing the shampoo right way will help you shine and stay longer with good hair and scalp. Also you will be able to go longer between washes.

Using dry shampoo

Many of us have oily scalp. the oily scalp needs a wash now and then. But is it always possible to wash your hair every day?

No, therefore alternative would be dry shampoo. Dry shampoo is a hair product that claims to remove excess oil, grease, and grime from the hair. Unlike, wet shampoos and conditioners, dry shampoo can be applied to your hair while it is still wet.

Dry shampoo absorbs oils and sweat from your hair using alcohols or starch-based active ingredients. When you remove the oils from your hair, it seems cleaner. The scent in most dry shampoos keeps your hair smelling fresh between washes.

It is to be noted that dry shampoo is never going to wash your hair and you should not to use dry shampoo for consecutively two days. Dry shampoo is never a replacement for your regular shampoo.

Should everyone use anti-dandruff shampoo?

Anti-dandruff shampoos are for those who have dandruff and for those who have an itchy and flaky scalp and it removes those temporarily after wash. But not everyone should use an anti dandruff shampoo if they don’t have dandruff or flaky scalp. Often anti dandruff shampoo is made with chemicals to remove oil and dandruff from your hair, so if you don’t have dandruff and you happen to have a dry scalp, it will make your hair and scalp damaged. So no, not everyone should use anti dandruff shampoo.

It is always better to use a comb before washing the hair shampoo. If you comb before washing the hair it will help to spread the sebum and it also helps to lose the flakes from the scalp.

Coal tar preparations, Pyrithione Zinc, Salicylic acid, Selenium sulfide, Ketoconazole are the main ingredients for shampoo for anti-dandruff. You need to buy shampoo by finding at least one ingredient present on the packaging. You can also change shampoo with other ingredients.

While you do shampoo. Leave it for five minutes or as directed on the packaging and try to rub it. Then rinse it with water and make sure there is no product left on the hair and scalp otherwise It will cause irritation later.

How often you should use anti dandruff shampoo?

Anti dandruff shampoos shouldn’t be used frequently as they can make your natural hair oil go away and that’s why your hair growth may slow down, or cause scalp problem, hair damage. Rather anti dandruff shampoo should be used on a safe routine like 2 or 3 times a week to make a balance between your natural oil and washing routine.

The best strategy for Caucasians and Asian-Americans is to shampoo every other day around but to use dandruff shampoo twice a week. If that doesn’t work, try alternating between shampoos with different treatment ingredients. It’s normally advisable to use anti-dandruff shampoo only once a week for Black individuals. You should also consult a dermatologist to determine which one is best for your hair.

Some tips for dandruff prone scalp

  • Rub lemon before washing the hair with shampoo. But you need to keep in mind that you are not sensitive to citric acid.
  • Use coconut oil, aloe vera, aspirin table powder mixing with water before shampooing. it will surely help you to get rid of dandruff.

Should you use conditioner shampoo?

Conditioner is those products that help to make hair frictionless and silky. Conditioning shampoos are designed to offer both a shampoo and a conditioner in one product but should you use it? In simple words, it is usable for your hair type if it moistures your scalp and cleans the dirt without removing sebum, and makes the hair look healthy.

Now the question is, which hair type is suitable to use conditioner shampoo? It’s a high-end hair care product that combines shampoo and conditioner into one that is why rather than utilizing separate shampoo and conditioner, a single product can be used. You don’t need to use a separate conditioner if you’re using a conditioning shampoo.

It is to be noted that do not use conditioning shampoo every day. The reason behind it is it makes the follicle of hair loser than other shampoos.

Some tips for using conditioner shampoo

  • Wet the hair before shampooing for at least 6 minutes, will work like magic.
  • Conditioning the tip of the hair is very important. The tip is the aged and oldest part of your hair that’s why it needs more care.
  • Do not condition your root, it will lose the follicle and it may cause fall out.
  • Do not keep the conditioner shampoo for more than 10 minutes.
  • The most important thing you need to remember is do not to use conditioner after using this conditioner shampoo.
  • Do not use it every day.

Should you wash your hair every day?

Washing your hair every day is not something preferred by the experts for everyone, it depends on your hair type and scalp. Only wash your hair every day is recommended if you have oily or fine hair and that makes you look greasy, scalp in itchy, and flakey if you don’t wash. Otherwise, an average person should wash their hair every other day or 2 or 3 times a week but simply there is not one simple answer to should you wash your hair every day without knowing your hair type.

Should you wash your hair with Water every day?

If the weather is dry in summer then is better to wash the hair every day with plain water. However, keep in mind to use cool water because it helps to keep the natural oil of the scalp. If you use hot water firstly it will rinse the oil and secondly, it will spoil your hair. Warm water opens up your hair cuticles, a cold water rinse helps shut them, making your hair look shinier and retaining moisture but you should only follow warm water first and cool water after every 4-5 days.

Water is a cleaning agent for washing away dirt even though the environment is very clean near you, there are small particles of dirt in the air. Water helps to wash it away.

Do you need to wash your hair twice a day?

Who needs to wash their hair daily is important and most of the case it is not necessary to even wash your hair every day. So Instead of cleaning dirt making your hair healthy, it will spoil your hair if you wash your hair twice a day. Washing your hair 2 times a day will make your hair clean but your scalp dry, and dry scalp is one of the big reasons for hair fall.

If you still feel like you should wash your hair twice every day regularly, You can do it once in a while if you work out every day or traveling somewhere but not otherwise.

The shampoo has a cleaning agent. The cleaning agent takes away oil and oil is essential for your hair growth unless you have an extremely greasy and oily scalp and your hair looks noticeably oily from the outside which is very rare and happens to a small number of people.

It is always better to wash hair with shampoo every other day for the normal type of hair.

Are you washing your hair too much?

Hair is a very sensitive part of the body and over washing your hair is harsh for the texture, color and quality of the scalp.

Signs that indicate that you are over washing your hair:

1. Your hair becoming Dry and frizzy indicates that you are washing your hair too often. Dry and frizzy hair loses its shine.

2. If the color of your hair is fading away. If you have bleach your hair and done color. Again, you are noticing that color is fading away too fast it means you are doing wrong. You are washing your hair too much.

3. If you see that your hair is not lively anymore. Splits hair in the end of hair which is the most fragile part, also indicates that you wash it too much.

4. Sometimes it happens that because of washing hair too much dandruff is increasing. Because of being dry the scalp becomes flaky and starts to itch.

How longer washes can prevent damaging hair?

Hair washing is a sensitive issue for many people. It depends on the texture of the hair that how much time should you wash it.

On a dry scalp, it is better not to keep shampoo for more than 2 minutes. If you do this it will dry your scalp more than before.

The normal scalp can keep 3 minutes but not more than that.

Oily scalp is a bit different. While you are washing you may need to wash your hair twice. Firstly when you wash after massaging sebum got released and after the first wash, it does not goes away. You need to wash it again for a proper wash.

How to go longer between washes?

It depends for each hair type. Picking up the right shampoo is very important which we have discussed earlier.

A simple bouncy blowdry will keep your hair in place and provide volume, which is good for concealing oily roots, so it’s a great option. To assist your hair in last as long as possible, apply a blow-dry balm or a heat protectant with some hold.

You can use dry shampoo in the evening to long last the washes.

Preparing your hair for bed is a great idea. Firstly brush your hair to spread the sebum all over. Then wear silk cloth before sleeping. Silk clothes are very good for hair.

Brushing your hair also increases blood circulation which helps to grow the hair. You can also tie your hair before sleeping.

These are the steps you can follow to go longer between washes.

Are you washing your hair less than needed?

Many of you maybe heard that you should not do shampoo regularly. But it is a necessary thing for hair and basic cleanliness for the body.

The shampoo has a cleaning agent it helps to remove the oil from the scalp and clean the external dirt.

Whenever you feel that hair is becoming itchy and oily you must wash it. “I have always said, ‘It’s fine to go a few days without shampooing. For hair that’s normal in terms of oiliness and medium weight, I sometimes tell my clients to go as long as they can without shampooing,” says Alli Webb

The Final Takeaway

We always want to do things according to rules. But sometimes it is better to find our own way. To keep clean is its own thing. You can choose your way of washing but keeping in mind all of the above.